All throughout the spring, summer and fall, our bees are hard at work producing delicious honey. Raw local honey provides the best flavor and health benefits and is a biologically active food. Thornbee Farm honey is special in that we have provided millions of diverse blossoms that are protected from harmful chemicals on our Certified Organic Farm. We are also blessed to have abundant native plants and trees on our Walworth property, such as Clover, Goldenrod, Basswood and Maple. We hope by providing abundance and diversity that the bees spend most of their time foraging on the farm.
Beekeeping is a challenging activity in today's environment. Pollutants, Chemicals, Pests and lack of diverse and abundant forage all have the potential to negatively affect bee health. We maintain our hives using organic and natural methods to protect and support the bees. Our honey is harvested in stainless steel and stored and sold in sanitized glass jars. Disclaimer: Once you taste our honey, we are confident that you'll never buy supermarket honey again! We also take care in crafting beautiful and unique beeswax candles and take custom orders for different scents, colors, shapes, etc.
We love to talk about bees, feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have!